Listen to the silence, it has a lot to tell: How silence speaks volumes

Silence can mean several things. What it means depends upon the context. When Silence is Golden – Silence may be a way to be with another individual when they’re troubled. Including gestures such as nodding and eye contact, leaning forward, smiling, frowning the person know you hear them. Being quiet and not saying anything provides them time and the distance to talk about what’s on their mind. Silence may offer the chance for them to take some time to talk, reflect and decide when another individual has a choice to make, a problem or only a need to express themselves. 

This is not exactly the same as exactly the sting your tongue type of silence you want very much to jump in and provide reassurance or advice, ask questions or provide your opinion, but you restrain yourself. That sort of silence indicates that you aren’t listening to them and is filled with judgment, but rather are focused on one’s own responses. It is essential as accepting, that the silence is experienced, people pick up on evaluation and conclusions when they’re communicated. Plus they’ll not as likely to share their emotions and problems with you at other times. Obviously, silence as an ability that is helping has a limitation while it assists them to feel accepted and may help others begin talking, it doesn’t prove that the gamer has known. 

I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me. Albert Einstein

For that, you will need Active Listening. When You Silence Yourself – Our lives start to end the day we become quiet about things which matter. Martin Luther King, Jr. We sometimes need to speak up and do not do it. Too often, we silence yourself when we’ve emotions we think or feel sure exactly the other individual won’t want to hear. We frequently do that because we value exactly the relationship and are afraid that it’ll worsen or end if we say how we actually feel. Silencing yourself contributes to exactly the very thing you would like to avoid.


Further, if its anger, bitterness or another strong negative feeling that you’ve, keeping quiet does not make that feeling dissipate. Just exactly the opposite happens the unspoken problem remains, distancing occurs and exactly the relationship suffers as a result. At other times, you feel hurt, angry or upset by something another individual says or does. Since letting them know how you feel makes you vulnerable, you choose to keep those emotions inside and keep him from the other person. Sulking, pouting, pursed lips, not answering, abrupt answers, ignoring exactly the other person, giving them exactly the cold shoulder are signs of this sort of silence, also known as the quiet treatment.